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Workout at home and get results!

In my opinion, we, as Americans, have this bad habit of wanting everything to happen immediately. If there are no immediate results, we give up. This is why so many people get frustrated when trying to get fit and/or lose weight. There are no magic pills or fancy machines that are going to transform your body over night; you have to make a commitment to yourself to eat better and become more active. I am not saying you have to spend hours on the treadmill, pay hundreds of dollars for a gym membership, or even go to the gym! Beachbody is a company that produces effective at home workouts for ALL fitness levels! Beachbody’s commitment to helping people get more active and live healthier lives is a huge part of why I am a Beachbody coach. I still go to the gym, but I also use Beachbody workouts at home. Most recently I did the Brazil Butt Lift workout. Since I am already very active, I would not consider it an “intense” workout for myself, but it was challenging and it delivered the results it promised! I am not usually a person who would post pictures of my butt on-line, but I wanted to show you that the results are REAL! This is after 6 weeks of Brazil Butt Lift and I didn’t even follow the plan exactly (missed a few days). The workouts are usually about 30min a day, but some days it’s about an hour. I know, I know, some people will think: WHAT? An hour?! I can’t do that! If that’s you, don’t worry, Beachbody has so many workout options you can find one that will fit your schedule. Just ask me, and I will help you find one!


Here’s to today, and everyday!

It may be gray and raining outside today, but that’s no reason to focus on it! True, we all have bad days where it seems like everything goes wrong, but I am a firm believer in focusing on the positive and realizing that there is always tomorrow. This blog is going to be about focusing on positive energy and how that can change your life and those around you.

Who am I? I am a young woman, in my mid-late twenties. I graduated with a BA in Cultural Anthropology in 2008. I love to travel, workout, cook, read, write, and spend time with my family and friends. I was a marathon runner until I was hit by a car last spring. My left leg was broken in multiple places and my tibia was shattered. It has been over a year of recovery and rehab, but all through it people told me they were amazed at my positive attitude! Of course it was hard at times, but I also tried to focus on what I could gain from the experience, how it was making me a stronger person, and that I was really lucky a small car hit me!

I work as a full-time nanny and an Independent Beachbody Coach. Both “jobs” never feel like work! Do you love your job? If not, why? Would you like to change that? Becoming a Beachbody Coach will give you the flexibility to live the life you want! The great thing about becoming a BB coach is that you can start right now and still stay at your current job. In as little as 5 hours a week you can build your business and in less than a year you could be making several thousand dollars a month! Best of all, it’s not about selling anything! It’s about sharing and helping people create the lives they desire. Yes, you make commissions off of purchases, but the real way you build the business is by helping other people become coaches so they too can benefit from extra income and the freedom of doing what they really want! Checkout this video to find out more.